Talks & Teaching

Conference and seminar presentations

  • Invited tutorial session at NanoMEGAS Workshop 2024, Materials Department, University of Cambridge – Advanced Applications with open source codes from Cambridge, 5th Jun. 2024

  • Invited talk at Department of Materials Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 29th Feb. 2024

  • Invited talk at High Entropy Materials Centre, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 11th Jan. 2024

  • Invited tutorial session at EXCITE Consortium, Granada, Spain – 3 hours hands-on tutorial: “Sigma: Spectral interpretation using gaussian mixtures and autoencoder”, 3rd Nov. 2023

  • Invited talk at Dr. Samuel Cooper’s Group, Imperial College London - 45 min talk: “Machine learning in electron microscopy”, 6th Jun. 2023

  • Invited talk at AI4ER Seminar Series, University of Cambridge - 60 min lecture: “Unsupervised Learning in geoscience”, 8th Nov. 2022

  • Poster at ELLIS Machine Learning Summer School, University of Cambridge - Poster: “Solving structural solutions of electron diffraction using object detection”, 11th-15th Jul. 2022

  • Invited talk at EXCITE Consortium, Rome, Italy - 25 min lecture: “Sigma: Spectral interpretation using gaussian mixtures and autoencoder”, 4th Oct. 2022

  • Invited talk at European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria - 15 min talk: “Self-supervised Automated Mineralogical and Chemical Analysis for Hyperspectral Datasets”, 26th May. 2022

  • Invited talk at PartII Earth Science Seminar, University of Cambridge - 60 min lecture: “Machine learning in electron microscopy”, 11th Oct. 2021

Ph.D. Thesis Defense

  • I defended my dissertation on 13th Jul. 2021.


  • Supervisor of Cambridge Centre for the Integration of Science, Technology and Culture at St John’s College, University of Cambridge, with Prof. Jason Robinson